Western (Arabic) numeral: two thousand, 2000
Chinese numeral: �, �
Roman symbol: MM
two thousand
- The cardinal number occurring after one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine and before two thousand and one.
Finnish: kaksituhatta
French: deux mille
Greek: t|el|δ�ο �ιλιάδε�
Italian: duemila
Swedish: två tusen
two thousand
- Two times a thousand.
Bosnian: dvije hiljade f
Dutch: tweeduizend f
Esperanto: du mil
Finnish: kaksi tuhat|tuhatta
French: deux mille
German: zweitausend f
Hungarian: kétezer
Italian: duemila m
Maltese: elfejn
Norwegian: to tusen
Novial: dumil
Polish: dwa tysi�ce
Russian: две �����и (dve týsja�i) f
Spanish: dos mil m
Swedish: två tusen
Turkish: iki bin
Welsh: dwy fil
Category:Cardinal numbers
fr:two thousand